
  • Intervista per

    Mi è stato chiesto di rispondere ad alcune interessanti domande sulla fotografia, trovate le risposte in questo articolo:  Ogni viaggio una storia: ecco i reportage del promettente fotografo Giulio Magnifico 

  • My interview for ‘INSPIRED EYE magazine’

    My interview for ‘INSPIRED EYE magazine’ is out, you can buy (or sign up for the newsletter and get a FREE issue) here: (issue 25) _

  • Interview and article on the Messaggero Veneto

    An article about me and my photos inside the Udine Osterias, published on the Messaggero Veneto (an important newspaper of the north-east  Italy.)

  • My interview for Flickr

    Flickr, the most famous social network and website for photographer, has shared my interview on the Flickr Blog, you can read it here: The world through the eyes of Giulio Magnifico

  • A tutorial with my photos from

    Someone has written a tutorial about “5 Tips For Shooting Portraits In A Bar” using my photos and my interviews. Well, despite I can’t agree of all the article, I think is a good tutorial, take a read of it 😉 …oh and there are also some quite nice photos there, ahah 😀 The article is here: 5…

  • My interview and photos for The Indipendent

    My interview about the Osterias are out on The Indipendent website and Sunday 26/07/15 issue. You can read it here. Or you can buy the issue of The Indipendent.

  • My interview for fLIP (London Indipendent Photographers)

    My interview for fLIP (London Indipendent Photographers) magazine is out on the issue of July 2015 of the magazine, available for purchase here:

  • My interview for the photography magazine ‘Click Magazine’

    My interview for the photography magazine ‘Click Magazine’ is online, you can read the issue here: 

  • Mio intervento improvvisato a Udine durante una raccolta fondi per i profughi Iracheni

    Sabato sera (27/03/2015) mi sono trovato ad intervenire a Udine (in Loggia del Lionello) ad un evento/concerto raccolta fondi per i profughi Iracheni. Purtroppo non sapevo dell’evento e il mio intervento è stato del tutto casuale, lascio un video (nel quale sfortunatamente non si sente e vede bene a causa del buio e rimbombo) e qualche foto.

  • Intervento al CFF – Circolo Fotografico Friulano del 26/03/2014

    Il 26 Marzo 2014 sono stato invitato a parlare dei miei reportages al Circolo Fotografico Friulano – CFF, ecco la registrazione audio e qualche foto. Ringrazio tutti i presenti e il CFF.